
Gain insights and advice from experts, meet other owners and learn how to make your strata community thrive

One of the most important aspects of OCN membership is the opportunity to network with other members and learn from experts and peers about the big issues that concern strata owners.

OCN organises regular events throughout the year featuring guest speakers on key topics, as well as twice-yearly member meetings including the Annual General Meeting.

We also host webinars, seminars and conferences, and to ensure they are accessible to everyone regardless of time and distance, most of these are recorded and the content made available online for members only.

2025: Upcoming Webinars

Project remediate update: Who to call and how to get a good outcome for your building

Thursday 20 February 2025

If you think this isn’t an issue that impacts you, tune in to learn more. Register here.

The importance of Project Remediate can’t be understated but the costs of remedial work can cause owners to defer or delay

While the NSW Government Project Remediate program for replacing combustible cladding is well under way, removing defective cladding is a national issue that will save lives and give insurers confidence to cover your building.

Did you know there are solutions that can save Owners Corporations tens of thousands of dollars?

In this webinar you’ll gain insights and learn tips from a Fire Engineer, an owner, a financier and product solution expert

Our speakers include Clint Gavin – Network Architectural, Ben Hughes-Brown – Fire Engineer at Vortex Fire, and Fred Tuckwell – Owner and Chair of OCN

Register here

2025: Upcoming Webinars

This webinar has been postponed to early next year:
Build Your Strata Community’s Emergency Preparedness

We’ll make the case for why you should prepare and plan for the worst, and provide practical tools and resources to help you create an effective emergency response plan

The webinar will provide:

  • Practical tips
  • The guidelines and template can be applied nationally

In the meantime be sure to visit our web page where you will find templates and other resources here. Or you can email us directly [email protected]

2024: Recent Webinars

Tired of Strata Negativity? What good looks like
Thursday 21st November 2024

With the right guidance from a good strata manager and a good building manager, strata living can be a fulfilling experience.

This webinar called on Ben Mees, BMA (building manager), Michael Price (strata manager) and David Glover (OCN Director and resident/chair) who shared their insights.

We covered:

  • the role of a building manager and how they contribute to a well-maintained building.
  • the role of your Strata Manager:
  • misconceptions about who does what:
  • the benefits and drawbacks of hands-on involvement in your strata community.

The slides can be downloaded here

Recording coming soon (members only)

Recording is only available for members, so why not join?

Your legal rights in Strata

Thursday 15th August 2024

Justin Abi-Daher, Marrickville Legal Centre and Sarah Burke, Seniors Rights Service presented on how to learn how to optimise your outcomes and know your rights

This webinar covered:

  • the NSW Strata legislative scheme and related Acts and regulations
  • who’s in strata?
  • By laws – validity, enforcement, short term lettings
  • Repairs – S106 statutory duty to repair common property, limitation period, preparation for NCAT
  • Renovation – major vs minor renovations
  • contributions and levies
  • dispute resolution – OFT NCAT case law

Recording can be viewed here (members only)

Recording is only available for members, so why not join?

Design and Building Practitioners (DBP) Act and related regulation and its impact on strata building remedial works
Tuesday 23 July 2024

Deb Lockart of RHM Consultants and Helen Kowal of Swaab Lawyers delivered their presentation on the DBP and related regulation of the remedial industry.

They shared their achievements, consultation outcomes and insightsn noting the significant milestones that have been achieved through the remedial government consultation process

View the slides here and download the Strata Remedial Snapshot tips here

Recording can be viewed here (members only)

Recording is only available for members, so why not join?

How to live better in Strata – new builds and new beginnings

Thursday 20 June 2024

Speakers included: iCIRT, Resilience and OCN

We covered our”Learn Strata” resources – for anyone new to strata or just interested in living better in Strata

Along with:

  • How the iCIRT star-rating system exists to give owners access to building professionals with a proven track record of delivering buildings you can trust.
  • What is Latent Defects Insurance, and who benefits?
  • The importance fo your first AGM

View the slides and see the Q&A here

View the recording (members only)

Recording is only available for members, so why not join?

 Water Leaks and the financial impact of water damage on your building

Thursday 16th May 2024

Water leaks often have a detrimental impact on the amenity of residents, as well as contributing to many other building related problems such as concrete spalling and mould.

We covered remedial repairs including the use of energy efficient ventilation, anti mould paints and the importance of financial planning, as well as case studies and how you can get on top of this costly problem

View the slides

View the recording (members only)

Speakers included: Danrae and Haymes Paints

Recording is only available for members, so why not join?


Owners Corporations Network

Premium Partners

Strata Plus
CPR Façade
Lannock Strata Financing
Network Architectural
Windowline Pty Ltd

Major Partners

Danrae Group
Danrae Group
Building Management Australia (BMAUS)
Resilience Insurance