As the Premier said today, the Delta virus does not care who you are or where you live.

“The Premier put the cat among the pigeons on Sunday announcing that local council pools will open on Monday 27 September. While this is very welcome and is clearly public pools, strata committees will get increasing requests and demands for the reopening of common strata facilities.”, Ms Stiles Executive Officer of the Owners Corporation Network said today.

“The Premier needs to make a clear and unequivocal statement that, as NSW moves towards 70 – 80% vaccination, new Public Health Orders to allow people back into higher-risk shared facilities will also apply to residential apartment complexes,” Ms Stiles said.

“It is common for larger schemes to have outdoor and indoor swimming pools, gyms, spas and saunas. These complexes house hundreds and sometimes thousands of people,” she said.

“Closing facilities has been contentious and Owners Corporations have limited powers. They need the legal authority to act, and that really needs to come from Public Health Orders. It is unfair to leave them on uncertain ground” she said.

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