11 JULY 2023

Every time IT manager Patrick Quintal leaves work to travel home, he feels sick with dread that his apartment building may no longer be standing. Each night when he goes to sleep, he dreams about waking up buried beneath rubble.

The former chair of apartment peak body, the Owners Corporation Network, Stephen Goddard, says Vicinity has all the hallmarks of the Mascot Towers disaster. “At this stage it looks as if it’s going to become the next Mascot Towers,” he said. “The building is now held up by props.

“How can the state of NSW take all that stamp duty from the buyers but then not back them up more forcefully? They need to give the building commissioner more powers to preserve the public interest and protect those owners and prevent Vicinity becoming even more of a disaster.”

Read article:> https://www.smh.com.au/property/news/patrick-s-apartment-block-has-defects-he-has-nightmares-of-being-buried-beneath-rubble-20230710-p5dn4h.html